
Music styles, types, genres and subgenres - an introduction

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It's like someone organized every genre of music known and
.................................................................cataloged it all together with examples

click ➦ "Every Noise At Once" is a fun, clickable map of musical genres where you can hear samples of the bands

  Op Every Noise at Once is de enorme hoeveelheid muzieksoorten/-stijlen teruggebracht tot 1387 verschillende genres.
Op elk genre kun je klikken waarna je direct een typisch nummer of muziekstuk uit dat genre krijgt te horen.
Wat dacht je van glitch beats, pagan black metal, Hongaarse hiphop, deep delta blues of contemporary classical ?
✩   Every Noise at Once is an explorable, listenable acoustic map of the 1300+ genres of the world of music.

click ➦ Music Genre List - A complete list of music styles, types and genres.....click ➦ Music Categories Explained

click ➦ How would you explain ........click ➦ An Idiot's Guide to EDM Genres

click ➦ Different Types of Music Genres.....click ➦ What is Trap Music?

click ➦ Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music.....click ➦ Indie music

click ➦ Music genre - Rate Your Music.....click ➦ Freebern's Music Ed. Site

click ➦ Basic Definitions of Genres and Musical Terms.....click ➦ Definitions of Styles and Genres

click ➦ Production Music Glossary.....click ➦ Genre Definitions

click ➦ Music Genres | AllMusic.....click ➦ What is Progressive Music

click ➦ Spotify Insights.....click ➦ Finny's EDM Alphabet

click ➦ Music Genre Definitions.....click ➦ Top Ten Best Music Genres

click ➦ Every Musical Genre Ever.....click ➦ Popular Music Genres

click ➦ 6 New Music Genres You Need To Hear Coming in 2016

  Files listed on this blog are individual uploads to video-/audio sharing platforms by various uploaders
  We select -at least- standard definition (SD) video files and/or 128kb MP3 audio files





DMA Music Videos - Magic Music Visuals

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Watch These Fractal/Mandelbrot Animations Until Your Brain Bleeds Out of Your Ears
+ Music Mix

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Testing some more streams

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The nice thing about these stations is that you don’t need to be in range to listen to it – you can be anywhere.
Except on the moon.
No 4G or Wi-Fi there (that is, not yet…)

Ultimate Seventies
If you love the music from the 70's, we have got it covered playing you Funk, Disco, Soul, New Wave & Easy Listening.

The OldiesProject stream plays 24/7 non stop classic songs from the sixties and seventies.
Looking beyond merely the American and European charts, OldiesProject also offers you original versions of famous songs,
typical Radio London hits and Northern Soul classics.
No fuzz or format and devoid of all pretence, just oldies……… enjoy!

Pure Radio
Simply playing the best music from the Seventies till the Zero''s.
Pure Radio = Just Good Music

Classic Rock 99.1
The best songs of the sixties, seventies, eighties and nineties!

The Oldie Station
We play music from the Fifties, Sixties, Seventies, and Eighties Our music has an European and American touch.

Back To The Old School
Back To The Old School is specialized in seventies, eighties, nineties, and nowadays funk, r&b, soul, boogie, disco, dance classics and indie music.
With artist interviews, album reviews, covers, samples and lyrics.

De beste Sixteens en Seventies en a little bit of de rest.

Classic Hits Uk
Playing the hits, and more, from the two decades that changed popular music forever - THE SIXTIES & THE SEVENTIES - 24 hours a day.

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Pophistorie Testruimte

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1. select a station, click on the image
2. a new page opens, click the start button (arrow)

Cinemix - Soundtracks/Classical/New Age

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.................... SoundtrackRadiostation - Soundtracks/Classic

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.................... Soundtracks Forever - Soundtracks/Miscellaneous

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FFH Digital - Soundtrack - Soundtracks/World

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Cinescore - Soundtracks/Symphony/Easy Listening/Children's
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.................... Unleashing Epic Soundtracks - Soundtracks/Classic

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Powered by radionomy.com/fr/
Radionomy | Discover the best online radio stations for free

Royalties and rights on all music played on these radio stations are fully payed by RADIONOMY

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HD TV Channel - Music Mix USA (live stream)

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The Hottest Mix of Music Videos

Music Mix USA brings you the best music videos on today's music scene.
Top artists from the world of rock, country, pop and R&B are featured 24/7.

Not only that, but interviews with top charting bands and up and coming artists gives viewers a chance to know
bands before anybody else!

Hover the mouse pointer over the media player for information (stop, start, full screen ....)

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2010 The Last Testament of George Harrison

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The Last Testament of George Harrison:
Paul McCartney Really Is Dead     1:37:20 (2010)

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In this mockumentary spoof of "Paul-Is-Dead" theories, a mysterious voice on the tape reveals a secret Beatles history, chronicling
McCartney's fatal accident, the cover up, and dozens of unknown clues, exposing "Paul McCartney" as an impostor!
Highway 61 Entertainment has produced this unauthorized documentary that includes newly unearthed evidence.

* Mockumentary
A television programme/program or movie presented as if it were a documentary but that is not factual and often a parody or satire.

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Tons of video game music ...

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Video game muziek is uitgegroeid tot een hoogstaand en complex gebeuren gelijkwaardig aan muziek voor Tv-series en film muziek
Hierbij een serie -niet gesorteerde, soms opvallende- voorbeelden, verdeeld over een reeks pagina's.
Het voorbeeld beperkt zich meestal tot alleen de herkennings tune/theme song.

click Game Music 001 @ pophistorie.clubs.nl
click Game Music 002 @ pophistorie.clubs.nl
click Game Music 003 @ pophistorie.clubs.nl

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The MARC (Marc Bolan) Show (full episodes) + more ...

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Marc Bolan
The Final Word ... Ride On

zie ook: VideoDoc Marc Bolan
zie ook: Tyrannosaurus Rex aka T-rex @ pophistorie.clubs.nl

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Jazz n' Blues Experience - 001

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A Mix Of Great Jazz and Blues Music

DMA (digital)

* Weet je nog wel oudje:
The Best of John Coltrane - 1 - In a Sentimental Mood (muziekvideo nr. 13)
Dit was de herkenningstune van Simon Carmiggelt's Kronkels - jaren '60 VPRO en later VARA Televisie, tot in de jaren '70;
welliswaar in een iets andere uitvoering, maar toch duidelijk herkenbaar ....
Heb er nog één gevonden ..... helemaal onderaan, voor de nieuwsgierige (meestal jonger dan 60) die ze niet kent,
of de oudere die er uit nostalgie nog wel n's een wil zien/horen.

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VideoDoc: The Spice Girls

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The Story of the Most Successful Female Group

1: Giving You Everything
2: Spice Girls in America A Tour Story
3: The Spice Girls Story: Viva Forever!
4: Spice Girls on Film - Part 1-5
more .....

Spice Girls @ pophistorie.clubs.nl  music blog    ◄ click

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All-In-One Music Video Player - Spice Girls
dailymotion, youtube, musicplayon, my.mail, totallyfuzzy, vevo, artistdirect, rollingstone, vimeo, more ...
º Music Video Streaming [All Platforms] powered by YAHOO   <  click

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